Just taking a "break" that I totally can't afford...
According to this
mash game, I will live in Shack, drive a red Mercedes, marry Jude Law and have 2 kids, and be a writer in New Zealand. Sounds fine to me. :) Hehe.
1. What's good on the radio these days?
Well since I already answered this question on
Suzy's blog, I'll just say that some of my favorite music artists are Savage Garden (x), Our Lady Peace, Darren Hayes, Sheryl Crow, Bif Naked, Dido, Tori Amos (yes, I do like the screaming banshee more and more as I go along...) … as to which of those are actually
on the radio right now...*shrugs* You've just got to listen at just the right times, really. :) There are also other artists of whom I like the occasional song, but I'm lazy so I'm not gonna write those down right now. :)
2. ...the sidewalks of New York, eh? Sounds riveting....
Yeah, it wasn't bad...written and directed by Ed Burns...not my most favoritest movie in the world, but interesting.
So anyway, a while ago on someone's site, they had a list up of all the things that made them happy...I thought it sounded like a good idea to have a list of the little happy things, so when I have more time (like, not now!) I think I'll make one, too. :) It seems like it'd be a good thing to have around when you're feeling down...